4 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety has become one of the most prevalent mental health conditions worldwide - and is here to stay. Luckily, there’s a lot we can do about it! See below for my favorite ways to reduce stress and anxiety levels without medication.

1. Reduce Caffeine Intake

I know, I know. Sorry to burst your bubble! Caffeine is not your friend when it comes to anxiety. Coffee and other caffeinated beverages spike cortisol levels which can put us into a perpetual fight or flight state - a major contributor to anxiety levels.

Looking for an alternative to keep your morning ritual? I get it! Years ago I removed caffeine for the better part of a year and tested everything I could find. I came up with 3 favorites that I really enjoyed. Check them out, here.

2. Meditation or Breath work

No you don’t need subscription services, fancy pillows, or sound bowls to start a mediation practice. All you need is YOU. Try starting or ending your day with just 2 minutes of focusing on your breath. For me, this looks like setting a timer to some soothing music and breathing in for a count of 4, holding my breath for a count of 7, and exhaling for a count of 8. Connecting to our breath can be one of the fastest ways to lower anxiety levels. Need assistance? Check out my favorite free app, insight timer.

3. Exercise

Exercise or intentional movement is an amazing mood regulator. There’s a reason so many people tote exercising as their ‘stress relief’. If you’re not moving often, this can be a simple way to feel better, and fast. If you’re feeling burned out, don’t take up high intensity workouts right away - start with gentle yoga, stretching, or walks. Aim for 30 minutes 3-5 times per week.

4. Supplements for Anxiety

If you feel like you need more support than lifestyle changes alone can supply - supplementing is a great addition. Many times, I find that people’s bodies need help to come out of a fight or flight response and there are many natural remedies that help to do that.

CBD is one of my favorite and most recommended supplements to help reduce feelings of anxiety, and has even been used in patients suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to help them recover. CBD helps modulate the stress response in the body, allowing for a greater state of balance both mentally and physically.

There are many other adaptogenic herbs and nutrients that can help the healing process with anxiety, and I’ve highlighted some of my favorites in my online dispensary. It’s free to create an account, and you automatically get a 15% discount for being part of my community. You can find my favorite stress support supplements under the ‘favorites’ category ‘adrenal/stress support’. Enjoy!

*This article is not designed to diagnose or treat any condition. If beginning any supplement as part of your regimen, always consult your healthcare provider.

I hope this blog helps empower you with tools to help lower the stress and anxiety in your world.

In health,



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